

NOVEMBER 10, 2012


AMC's Mission Statement

The Appalachian Mountain Club promotes the protection, enjoyment and stewardship of the mountains, forests, waters, and trails of the Appalachian region. We believe that mountains, forests, and waters have intrinsic worth and also provide recreational opportunities, spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the region. Because successful conservation depends on active engagement with the outdoors, we encourage people to experience, learn about, appreciate, and understand the natural world.

2012 Annual Report

Narragansett Chapter - Appalachian Mountain Club

Annual Report contents:

  1. Minutes of the 2011 Annual Meeting Pages 2-7

  2. Annual Report December 2011 – November 2012 Pages 8-23

    1. Chapter Leadership Slate (2012 and 2013) Pages 8-9

    2. Chapter Chair Report Pages 9-10

    3. Chapter Leadership and Member Accomplishments Pages 10-11

    4. Treasurer Report Pages 12-13

    5. Committee Reports Pages 14-22

    6. Leader Recognition and 25 Year Awards Page 23

Minutes of the November 12, 2011Annual Meeting

Chapter Chair Bonnie England, called the meeting to order at Save the Bay Headquarters in Providence, RI at 6:30 PM.

Attending: Bonnie England, Chapter Chair; Larry Rollins Past-Chair; Debbie Mitchell, Vice Chair; Chris Shafer, Activities Chair; Robin Kuznitz, Membership Committee; Ed Poyer, Leadership Chair; Elise Del Barone, Trails Chair; Mike Krabach, Webmaster; Shannon Kelley, Photographer/Journalist; Brian Phillips, Technical Climbing.

An estimated 100 chapter members, friends and family were present in addition to the leadership and executive board members listed. Bonnie opened the meeting with a moment of silence recognizing chapter members Edward Barlow, Robert Accola, John Cranmer, Robert M. Thomas, Pat Sikora, and Robert (Bob) Cilette who passed away during the past year.

2010 Annual Meeting Minutes: The 2010 Annual Meeting minutes were provided to attendees. Bonnie asked for a motion to accept the 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes. The motion was made and accepted.

2011 Executive Board and Sub-Committee Chairs: Larry Rollins, Nominating Committee Chair, identified the 2011 Executive Committee and Sub-Committee Chairs.

2011 Executive Committee

Chair Bonnie England

Vice Chair Debbie Mitchell

Treasurer Tom Eagan

Secretary (Past) Jeannine Peterson

Membership Chair Robin Kuznitz

Activities Chair Chris Shafer

Conservation Chair Linda Pease

Communications Co-Chairs Mark Dennen & Shannon Kelley

Leadership Chair Ed Poyer

Trails Chair Elise Del Barone

Committee Leaders / Sub chairs in 2011

Backpacking & Northern Hikes Ed Poyer

Biking Marcie Madsen

Family Outings Deb Mitchell & Tom Eagan

Flatwater Linda Pease

Local Hikes Herrick Spencer

Sea Kayaking Mike Krabach

Skiing Elizabeth Reardon (succeeded by Sue Rollins)

Technical Climbing Brian Phillips & Peter Barlow

Young Members Chris Turgeon & Scott Disnard

Webmaster Mike Krabach

Archivist Sandy Savella

All executive board members, sub-chairs, and committee leaders were thanked for their contributions to our Chapter.

Introduction of 2012 Narragansett Chapter Executive Committee: Larry Rollins presented the slate of officers for the Executive Committee for 2012.

Chair Bonnie England

Vice Chair Deb Mitchell

Secretary OPEN

Treasurer Tom Eagan

Membership Chair Robin Kuznitz

Communications Co-Chair Shannon Kelley & Mark Dennen (temp.)


Activities Chair Chris Shafer

Leadership Chair Ed Poyer

Conservation Chair Linda Pease

Trails Chair Elise Del Barone

The motion to accept the slate of officers for 2012 was seconded and approved.

Introduction of 2012 Committee Leaders: Bonnie England introduced the 2012 Committee Leaders

Backpacking / Northern Hikes Ed Poyer

Biking Marcie Madsen

Family Outings Deb Mitchell, Tom Eagan

Flatwater Linda Pease

Local Hikes OPEN

Sea Kayaking Mike Krabach

Skiing Sue Rollins

Technical Climbing Brian Phillips, Peter Barlow

Young Members Scott Disnard

Webmaster Mike Krabach

Archivist OPEN

The audience then gave these leaders a nice round of applause.

Report of the Chapter Chair:

Bonnie talked about inheriting a strong financial chapter with 2,600 members and 135 leaders. Including an Executive Board composed of hard working volunteers.

Volunteer efforts for the Trails Committee included over 1500 hours of time. Chapter leaders provided over 275 activities and trips.

The Executive Board focused on three goals in 2011: 1) better recognition of leaders, 2) providing more family activities, and 3) maintaining a strong membership.

Bonnie noted that our chapter met with AMC management to better align our goals with Vision 2020, the strategic map of AMC goals for the coming years.

Bonnie then thanked anyone who had led a trip/activity, who had been a participant, helped another organization, encouraged a child, or taught “Leave No Trace”.

Chapter Leadership and Member Accomplishments for 2011

Bonnie listed some of the major chapter accomplishments for 2011.

Treasurer’s Report

The Chapter is on very solid financial footing with cash and investment reserves up about 10% from this time last year. The Chapter is financially stable.


25 Year Member Awards:

Deb Mitchell presented the 25 Year Member Awards to:

Robert Fournier

Deborah Rodin and Neil Rodin

Calvin Oyer

Richard Harris

Rosalie Cummings

Joseph and Susan Homer

Roger Cole

Aggie Stewart & Rick Croteau

Calvin Bell

Robert and Virginia Bescherer

Jacki Zimmerman and Alan Hecht

Ethan and Linda DuBois

Marjorie Caldwell

Chris Shafer, the Chapter’s Activities Chair presented the following awards:

New Leaders: (See 2011 Annual Meeting report)

Prolific Leaders: (See 2011 Annual Meeting report)

Stewardship Award for Trails Work:

Roy Benoit
Don Cordner
Bruce Crooks
Jennie Crooks
Henry Cruciani
Martha Cruciani
Jim Dowling
Maria Earley
Bonnie England
Marge Gaunt
Steve Higgins
Pete LaFreniere
Ken MacDonald
Mike Parker
Chris Shafer
Dick Sullivan
Judy Van Wyk

Stewardship Award for Conservation:

Jack Schempp

Certificate of Appreciation from the Audubon Society of RI

Chris Shafer showed the Certificate of Appreciation our Chapter received from the Audubon Society for the Trails Committee’s work on the Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge. Work included building a new trail and rehabilitating a shed.

John Clark Award:

Trails Chair Elise Del Barone presented the award to Michael Parker for his work on the Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge.

Appie of the Year Award:

Ed Poyer presented the Appie of the Year Award to Tom Eagan for his service as Treasurer, Vice-Chair, Chair, and now Treasurer again in addition to his work for the Boy Scouts.

Robin Kuznitz accepted the award for Tom because he was unable to attend the meeting.

The Business meeting was adjourned at 7:15 for dinner.

REI spokesperson:

After dinner Rita Shaffer, community outreach spokesperson, from REI provided information about the $12K grant REI gave to the AMC that is to be divided among four Chapters.

REI put on a number of clinics during the past year including: rock climbing, winter hiking, trail building and gear clinics.

AMC spokesperson:

Kevin Breunig, VP of marketing and Communications at AMC in Boston talked about Andy Falender’s retirement after 23 years as AMC’s chief executive. John Judge was chosen as AMC President following a nine-month-long, nationwide search process. John brings with him a wealth of Government and non-profit executive and leadership experience.

David Queeley was chosen as the new VP of Outdoor Engagement. David will be responsible for efforts in getting 500,000 kids outdoors as a component of AMC’s Vision 2020.

Madison hut reopened in June after extensive remodeling.

Gorham Chairback, newest of the AMC lodges, is adding two cabins.

The AMC has taken an expanded role of managing the Bay Circuit Greenway.

Guest Speaker:

Ruth “Sam” Jamke, member of the AMC Board of Directors, past New Hampshire Chapter chair, Major Excursions leader, hike leader for the New Hampshire Chapter and August Camp presented a slideshow entitled ”Tramping New Zealand’s Great Walks” that highlighted New Zealand’s rugged mountains and stunning coastline.

Meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Larry Rollins, Past Narragansett Chapter Chair

Annual Report December 2011 – November 2012

2012 Current Chapter Leadership

2012 Executive Committee:

` Chair Bonnie England

Past Chair Tom Eagan

Vice Chair Debbie Mitchell

Treasurer Tom Eagan

Secretary Matt Putnam

Membership Chair Robin Kuznitz

Activities Chair Chris Shafer

Conservation Chair Linda Pease

Communications Co-Chairs Mark Dennen & Shannon Kelley

Leadership Chair Ed Poyer

Trails Chair Elise Del Barone

2012 Committee Leaders / Sub chairs:

Backpacking and Northern Hikes Ed Poyer

Biking Marcie Madsen

Family Outings Debbie Mitchell & Tom Eagan

Flatwater Linda Pease

Local Hikes Herrick Spencer/Carol Baldwin

Sea Kayaking Mike Krabach

Skiing Sue Rollins

Technical Climbing Brian Phillips, Peter Barlow

Young Members Scott Disnard

Webmaster Mike Krabach

Public Relations Liaison Shannon Kelly

Archivist OPEN

2013 Incoming Chapter Leadership

Chair: Debbie Mitchell

Past Chair Bonnie England

Vice Chair: Bob Tessitore

Secretary: Matt Putnam

Treasurer: Tom Eagan

Membership Chair: Robin Kuznitz

Communications Chair: Mike Krabach

Activities Chair: Chris Shafer

Leadership Chair: Ed Poyer

Conservation Chair: Linda Pease

Trails Chair: Dav Cranmer

Nominating Committee Chair: Larry Rollins

Introduction of Incoming 2013 Chapter Committee Leaders:

Backpacking / Northern Hikes Ed Poyer

Biking Marcie Madsen

Family Outings Debbie Mitchell (temp.)

Flatwater Linda Pease

Local Hikes Carol Baldwin

Sea Kayaking Mike Krabach

Skiing Sue Rollins

Technical Climbing Brian Phillips, Peter Barlow

Young Members Scott Disnard

Webmaster Mike Krabach

Public Relations Liaison Shannon Kelly

Archivist OPEN

2012 Chapter Chair Report

It has been an honor to serve as Chair of the Narragansett Chapter of the AMC for these past two years. Our Chapter has a loyal, committed and stable membership 2600-strong. From this number come hundreds of volunteers who serve as Board members, activity leaders, event assistants, trail workers, grant writers, and AMC representatives at a wide range of community programs. Our Chapter is highly respected throughout the AMC and Rhode Island, is robust, financially sound, and well-positioned to support the mission of the AMC into the future.

In everything we do as a Chapter, the Mission of the AMC drives our discussions and our actions. Our charge is to “promote the protection, enjoyment and stewardship of the mountains, forests, waters and trails”. We demonstrate our commitment to these principles through our collaboration with other communities in joint efforts such as our National Trails Day work projects and Arbor Day Tree Planting activities. We support these principles through the training and education programs we offer to members and others, on topics ranging from safe backpacking, to trail restoration, clean energy and wilderness first aid. We eagerly assist other community organizations in stewardship projects and improvement of existing recreation areas in Rhode Island. And all of this happens because of our passionate and dedicated committee volunteers.

We also live and promote these principles through our generous offering of fun and educational activities. In 2012, we provided more than 250 volunteer-led activities. Our Chapter's Conservation Committee held 14 events this year, and our Biking, Climbing, Hiking, Skiing and Paddling volunteer leaders offered nearly 200 recreational activities in areas all over our state and beyond. Our Trails Committee was awarded the Senator John H. Chafee Outstanding Community Leadership Conservation Project Honors by the Environment Council of Rhode Island for its 85 years of trail development and maintenance of 50 miles of RI trails. And our volunteers contributed nearly 1,900 hours of work associated with trail restoration and development.

All this is possible because of our vibrant corps of volunteers and volunteer Leaders. The Chapter's Leadership continues to develop new ways to thank our volunteers, including waiving or assisting with fees so active leaders can attend trainings and AMC/Chapter events with low or no cost to them. At our Chapter-wide events and through our website we strive to introduce and recognize our volunteers and their vast array of contributions. As with all other volunteer-driven organizations, our Chapter needs to add and train new leaders regularly so that we can continue to offer high quality activities that provide fun and education to participants and sustain active stewardship of our Rhode Island natural resources. Chapter leadership will continue to strive to engage, train and support, both current leaders and new leaders and we request the input of all members and friends to this end.

Additionally, we have many technology opportunities ahead. It has become evident that our printed newsletter, the Gazette, is out of date the moment it is sent to the printing company for processing and mailing. In this era of technology and social media, our Board will continue to work with our membership, AMC staff, and other chapters to determine how best to utilize technology to fulfill the AMC Mission and Vision in the coming years, maintain substantive and timely communication with our membership, and also maintain fiscal responsibility for our Chapter. Your Chapter’s Board will need your input on how to reach a satisfying conclusion of this discussion.

Another opportunity for our Chapter in the coming years is that of reaching more and diverse groups – groups such as families and young members. Work has already begun through our collaborations with other child and young adult oriented groups including the Scouts, RI Families in Nature, our re-vitalized Young Members group, local and state parks and recreation groups, and with other AMC chapters. This initiative will have a far-reaching, positive impact on our organization. We ask for your assistance in sharing your skills and experience in helping our Chapter remain a vibrant, responsive organization.

In closing, I extend a very warm thank you to the Executive Board, to all the membership, and to the AMC staff for giving me the opportunity to be part of this wonderful and important organization. See you outside!

2012 Chapter Leadership and Member Accomplishments

For a “small” chapter we get a LOT done!!!! Thanks to everyone!

– Bonnie England, Chair

  1. 2012 Report of the Chapter Treasurer

As of October 31st, the Chapter has about $39,000 in cash and investments. This figure is down from the start of the year when we had $42,600. Although it is not normally good to report a reduction in cash and investments, the numbers in this instance does not reflect about $6,800 of grant funds that we have advanced and we are expecting to receive within the next 60-90 days.

During 2012, the Chapter’s Trails Committee has been particularly active working on trails projects, collaborating with other conservation groups, and applying for grants. Unfortunately, trails work can sometimes be expensive and we often have to front the money for this work before we are reimbursed. However, we are very fortunate that the Chapter is financially sound and can advance this money, which allows us to undertake and complete projects others groups cannot.

Assuming we receive reimbursement of the grant funds advanced, and we also receive our final chapter allowance from Joy St in December, which is expected to total about $3,000, we should have almost $10,000 more in cash and investments by year end, which will put us significantly ahead of where we started the year. Again, the chapter is on very sound financial footing and well poised to support the efforts of our many volunteers.

2012 committee reports

Membership Committee Report 2012

This past spring, a wonderful group of people attended our Potluck Social, which is open to all current and prospective new members. It took place at the Cathedral of St. John Episcopal in Providence, RI. We enjoyed a fun evening filled with delicious food and wonderful conversation. I am especially thankful to the following committee leaders who did a great job with their presentations: Debbie Mitchell (Family Outings); Linda Pease (conservation and flat water paddling); Ed Poyer (Backpacking and Northern Hikes); Mike Krabach (sea kayaking) and Elise Del Barone (Trails). A special thanks also goes out to volunteer members Mary Bonaventure and Marvin Kuznitz who worked behind the scenes to make sure the evening ran smoothly.

Our annual Spring Fling took place The Monastery in Cumberland, RI. It included hiking, paddling, bicycling and other family activities. Everyone enjoyed the presentation given by Technical Climbing expert, and long time AMC member, Brian Phillips.

We are very fortunate that Narragansett Chapter membership numbers continue to hold steady. We hope to provide more opportunities that attract new members and we are committed to exploring new and creative ways to increase our membership.

We are also pleased to announce that we have 10 members who will be receiving their 25 year membership awards this year. A pin and congratulatory letter will be sent to them by the Chapter Chair. They are:

Walter Hennessy Lawerence Korich

Richard Lambert Anne La Pier

Philip Lieberman David Riedel

Jen Riedel Peter Stevens

Frances Trafton Peter Trafton

Robin Kuznitz

Membership Chair


This year, the Conservation Committee held fourteen events. The events included presentations by Charlie Brown on bats and their decline and how that may affect the environment and a presentation by National Park Service Ranger John McNiff, after the Roger Williams paddle, which re-traces Williams’ escape from Massachusetts (which is now East Providence). John always provides a different perspective on history and this year he shared the forum with a Native American historian who provided the event with artifacts, history and music.

We continue to support the environment and gardening with our Master Gardener program at REI and Arbor Day tree planting and trail work at Blackstone Park. These are annual and we work at Blackstone Park a few times a year.

We hiked at Caratunk and Norman Bird Sanctuary. The Norman Bird Sanctuary hike will include someone from the Sanctuary to enlighten us on aspects of the trails and sanctuary we might not see on our own.

We continue our annual Big River paddle where we explain the history of the property and how it would be under water without people fighting to keep the river and the surrounding trails useable.

We do local hiking, such as the Tillinghast Trail on which we had done trail work, and we added a new northern hike to Bear Mountain in CT. Bear Mountain trails are part of the Appalachian Trail and we enjoy all the waterfalls. Another local hike we ran again this year is the Area 51 hike which introduces people to two trails running parallel to the paved Blackstone Bike Path. These two trails need to be used and kept open. The area 51 section is always surprising to participants that towns would bulldoze trash into the river and much of the large appliances, etc. are still there with the mess on the right and the beauty of the area high with great views high above the river on the left. We spy from there on the bikers and walkers on the bike path who don’t know we’re on the other side of the river spying on them.

One of the very interesting things we’ve been doing over the past few years is a bike trip to Prudence Island where the scenery is fabulous, the history is intriguing and the island is a major area for conservation.

We hope to offer more of the same next year to enlighten, educate, and entertain you. We also hope to come up with a few brand new activities that we haven’t done before. We have a few in the works, but we need more. If you are aware of a place, or you have an idea for a conservation activity, we’d love to hear from you. Contact the Committee chair.

The following AMC members did 12 or more hours of conservation work and qualified for the stewardship patch:

Linda Pease Jack Schempp

We have a very diverse group of conservation leaders who span the gamut of all activities. We hope you’ll consider joining.

Linda Pease

Conservation Committee Chair

Trails Committee Report 2012

On behalf of the AMC Trails Committee, thank you to the many volunteers who contributed a total of almost 1,900 hours of trail work and administrative duties. There were 12 volunteers who contributed in excess of 6 hours each.

Ten members in particular each contributed a significant number of hours:

Chris Shafer 219 hrs

Jim Dowling 211.5 hrs

Jennie Crooks 133.5 hrs

Mike Parker 85.5 hrs

Maria Earley 69 hrs

Henry Cruciani 56 hrs

Steve Higgins 52.5 hrs

Martha Cruciani 44 hrs

Roy Benoit 38.5 hrs

Gerald Wolniewicz 26 hrs




Trail events:

Types of maintenance performed included:

The following AMC members did 12 or more hours of trail work and qualified for the stewardship patch:

Roy Benoit, Janice Berriochoa, Don Cordner, Dav Cranmer,

Bruce Crooks, Jennie, Crooks, Henry Cruciani, Martha Cruciani,

Rich Degrandpre Jim Dowling, Maria Earley, Buzz Greenhalgh,

Steve Higgins, Pete LaFreniere, Matt Lynn, Mike Parke,r

Cristy Rice, Scott Rice, Scott Rice Jr., Neil Rodin,

Chris Shafer, Dick Sullivan, Hsin-Chien Ta,i Gerald Wolniewicz

We maintain about 50 miles of trails and we are always looking for volunteers or info on trails.

Elise Del Barone & Chris Shafer

Trails Sub-Chairs

Ski Committee Report 2012

A Ski Committee planning meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, October 2. Due to limited snow conditions this past season, few weekend trips were scheduled and day trips were cancelled as needed. We will continue to be optimistic for snow this coming season, and a variety of day trips to be scheduled.

Currently only two leaders, namely, Chris Shafer and Jack Schempp, are actively leading weekend trips up to North Country. A goal for the coming season is to identify potential new leaders and re-activate previous leaders. Experienced Northern leaders who also include cross-country skiing among their activities are encouraged to step forward and consider leading weekend trips to groomed ski areas.

Day trips will be posted as final details are completed. A list service for interested members has been activated to avail interested parties of last-minute trips. For the season of 2011-

We remain forever optimistic that the snow will be bountiful, the season long, and many opportunities for skiing.

Susan Rollins

Skiing Sub-Chair

Biking Committee Report 2012

This year we scheduled just over 40 weekend and mid-week rides. Unfortunately, due to wet weather, several were cancelled.

The traditional rides, Clam Cake, Pasta Challenge, Watch Hill, and Block Island remain very popular and many participants comment they look forward to them each year. One of the popular rides continues to be the Buzzards Bay Brewery ride. Exercise with beer on tap after…really great.

Several of our favorite leaders: Dick Schaffner, Sid Wax and Nancy Baker led or co-led over 14 rides combined. Their love of cycling and their enthusiasm is to be applauded. Nancy Baker leads her rides through new and scenic areas most people haven’t seen before. She’s an experienced, well liked, and consistent leader. Carol Richards continues to lead mid-week rides and hopefully will continue in the years to come as they are a welcome respite from the long work day. The Young Members Sub-Chair, Scott Disnard, qualified as a bike leader and hopefully will bring more YM’s into the cycling world. I commend EVERY bike leader and co-leader for their commitment to our chapter.

I look forward to working with our many bike leaders again and hopefully inspire new leaders for the 2013 (yikes) riding season.

Marcie Madsen

Biking Sub-Chair

Climbing Sub-Committee Report 2012

The Climbing Sub-Committee had another very active and successful year. The climbing courses had a good enrollment this year with 19 students in the Beginner course and 19 in the Intermediate course. Many of the Intermediate students went on to climb with the group during the trips and we picked up a number of new members from local climbers and the local colleges. Two of our trips exceeded 30 registrants. On a space available basis, we had trip participants from other chapters including the Connecticut, Boston, and New Hampshire Chapters. We held social events, classes, or trips in every month except December and March. Thanks to the ongoing support and efforts of this year’s trip leaders and co-leaders.

We are hosting the Reel Rock Film Tour for the second year on November 2nd at the Rhode Island School of Design auditorium with REI. REI sponsored the cost of the film and provided gear for a raffle. The Climbing Sub-Committee funded the cost of the auditorium. This is the third consecutive year that we have held this event and it is so popular with local climbers that we had to go to a larger venue this year so we don’t turn people away.

Brian Phillips and Peter Barlow

Technical Climbing Co-Sub-chairs


The YM group had many activities, most notably section hiking the entirety of the North South Trail. We held one overnight backpacking trip in Douglas state forest which coincided with our start of the Mid-State Trail series. We added cycling to our activities with a very popular mountain bike ride in Arcadia Management Area. YM also hosted a Northern Hike to Mt Garfield for Flags on the 48 in remembrance of the tragedy of 9/11, and a weekend at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge is planned. YM has been actively engaged with other chapters YM groups and trips as well. Our facebook group has grown to 139 members and prospective members.

Scott Disnard

Young Members Committee Sub-Chair

Backpacking & Northern Hikes Report 2012

We’ve enjoyed another excellent and safe year of hiking and backpacking. This year our group sponsored 31 activities run by 16 leaders and co-leaders. Our leaders provided activities ranging from the popular day hikes in the Holyoke range to winter trips above tree line in the White Mountains. Hikes were offered in Massachusetts and, New Hampshire.

In addition to day hikes, we offered backpack trips in New Hampshire. We enjoyed an overnighter to the Lakes of the Clouds Hut, where we enjoyed the Alpine Flowers and the hearty food.

All of our leaders continue with their Wilderness First Aid / CPR training and some have maintained their Wilderness First Responder certification. Four of our leaders are instructors at AMC’s Mountain Leadership School; one is now the School Director. We had four aspiring leaders completed Mountain Leadership School: three of those attended the new day hike leadership version of the school in August. We now have four new leaders in our group.

Some of our leaders offer club-wide events, and one of our leaders led hikes at “August Camp” again this year. Our leaders also serve as resources to the Leadership Development Committee for workshops and trips.

The committee again offered workshops in map & compass and winter mountain safety, which were well attended and very well received.

Our Step by Step hiking series, which trains new hikers to mountain hiking skills and conditions, continued to attract much interest, thanks to the commitment of our leaders.

Thank you to our northern hikes leaders and co-leaders who offered us so many fun, challenging, well run and reasonably priced activities this year.

Ed Poyer

Backpack & Northern Hiking Committee Sub-Chair

Local Hikes Report

This was another busy season for local hike Leaders and co-Leaders. The winter calendar was filled with trail and bike path hikes, hikes with dogs, and Wednesday walks and socials. The mild winter helped make it easier for most hikers/walkers to be active.

Spring always brings a renewed interest in being outdoors and Leaders planned a variety of hikes to appeal to members with different hiking abilities. Because of our volunteers, we had many options to exercise and meet new friends as well as old friends while we hiked. We have so many beautiful places in RI to explore: Arcadia, Parker Woodland, George Washington Area, Burlingame, to name a few. It’s refreshing to be able to take a moment and relax, enjoy the simple things with AMC hikers.

It was a humid summer and hiking activities slowed down somewhat; members enjoyed other AMC activities.

Now, we are looking forward to a very busy Winter/Spring2013.

Herrick Spencer (Past) & Carol Baldwin

Local Hikes Committee Sub-Chairs


During the past year, the Family Outing Committee offered a variety of events/activities including family strolls and hikes, tree planting, and conservation events. Some of the highlights were:

Our thanks and appreciation goes out to the following leaders for including families in their activities during the past year:

- Debbie Mitchell

- Dave Natale

- Linda Pease

- Chris Shafer

- Kathy Raposa

We also would like to thank the following groups for continuing to partner with us, all of us having the common goal of getting more children and families outdoors enjoying nature.

- RI Families in Nature

- Neutoconkanut Hill Conservancy

- RI Parks (RI Outdoor Pursuit)

- Girl and Boy Scouts of RI

Debbie Mitchell and Tom Eagan

Family Outing Committee Sub-Chairs

Leadership Development Committee Report

During 2012, our Committee continued to support the activities committees’ leader development. We worked with other committee chairs and sub-chairs, and are substantially helped by the general membership.

The annual Wilderness First Aid Workshop was held on April 14 and 15 at Camp Hoffman, and was attended by 24 students, of which 13 were chapter leaders, 6 were chapter members, and 5 were non-members. There was also an optional CPR class Saturday evening with 9 participants. This course was coordinated by former Leadership Development Chair Charlie Killam with steadfast help from registrar Linda Pease.

In May, the Committee ran the annual Map and Compass Workshop and Field Practice, instructed by Ed Poyer, Bob Janus and Denise Poyer.

In June, we sponsored Scott Sprague as a student at Mountain Leadership School with a partial scholarship. The five day June school used the traditional four day backpacking format. In August, we sponsored Elise Hedgland, Bernardo Aumond and Scott Disnard as students with partial scholarships. The four day August school used a new day hiking format.

Ed Poyer

Leadership Development Committee Chair

Kayaking Paddle Report

The flatwater and sea kayaking committees hosted 30 events this past year. Several had to be canceled. Of the paddles, 13 were suitable for flatwater and 12 were for sea kayaking. Our Winipesaukee weekend had 2 paddles each day, one flatwater and one for larger kakaks. There were 5 scheduled rescue practices of which 2 had to be canceled. The 3rd annual Boston Harbor sea kayaking had to be canceled because of bad weather. The Squam Lake camping trip had two days of kayaking. Also successful were two moonlight paddles, one for flatwater and one sea kayaking in the Bay.

Mike Krabach, Sea Kayaking Subchair
Linda Pease, Flatwater Subchair


A big THANK YOU to all our Chapter Leaders. Without you, we would not have the vibrant Chapter that we enjoy today!

Huge Thank You!

Year 2012 Qualifiers for Narragansett Chapter Leader Patch:

Bernardo Aumond - Northern Hiking

Scott Sprague - Northern Hiking

Corey Mott - Flatwater Paddling and Young Members

Prolific Leaders- Led/Co-Led/Administered Multiple Activities:

Nancy Baker, Carol Baldwin, Sandy Barber, Peter Barlow,

Roy Benoit, Susan Boland, Ray Bucacci, Jennie Crooks,

Henry Cruciani, Scott Disnard, Jim Dowling, Maria Earley,

Bonnie England, Barbara Flagg, Tom Freeman, Steve Harrington,

Janet Harris, Steve Harrison, Charlie Killam, Mike Krabach,

Marcie Madsen, Mike Martin, Debra Mitchell, David Natale,

Gregg O’Brien, Mike Parker, Margaret Parsons, Linda Pease,

Brian Phillips, Ed Poyer, Matt Putnam, Sarah Rich,

Mercedes Rivero, Richard Schaffner, Jack Schempp, Chris Shafe,r

Herrick Spencer, Dick Sullivan, Judy Van Wyk, Sue Warthman,

Sid Wax, Paul Wynn

Retiring Leaders:

Elise Del Barone – Trails

Herrick Spencer – Local Hiking

Gregg O’Brien – Wednesday Night Hikes

A big THANK YOU to the Annual Meeting Planning Committee!

Bonnie England

Debbie Mitchell

Charlie Mitchell

Matt Putnam

Robin Kuznitz

Marvin Kuznitz

Mike Krabach

Bob Tessitore

Karen Bucci

Linda Pease

Photographer: Shannon Kelly